It’s hard to believe but this year is the 50th anniversary of “A Charlie Brown Christmas”! Teleflora is celebrating this year with two new bouquets added to their already festive lineup for the holidays!
Lush chrysanthemums and carnations adorn a decorated doghouse (which doubles as a cookie jar) and a hand-painted ceramic mug capturing Charlie Brown joyfully ice skating with his best furry friend for any collector’s dream holiday gift. The Snoopy’s Cookie Jar Bouquet or the Peanuts Christmas Mug Bouquet is the perfect gift for a loved one – or yourself!
I received the Snoopy’s Cookie Jar Bouquet and I love it for so many reasons! First, I knew my kids would love it and I was right as my girls have stared at it wanting Snoopy to wake up and go inside his doghouse. They love the fresh flowers and I love that this is a gift that will last long after the flowers don’t! It was beautifully arranged and seeing it on my kitchen table put me in such a great Christmas mood!
Send cheer this holiday season by sending something from the Teleflora Peanuts collection!
If something from the Peanuts collection isn’t your thing, Teleflora of course has some classic Christmas bouquets like the two new ones that recently debuted. These beautiful holiday inspired arrangements are decked out in snowflakes and Christmas trees for an eye-catching conversational piece. Each bouquet arrives professionally-arranged by a local florist and is presented in a keepsake holiday container that can be enjoyed for many Christmases to come.
What I love about Teleflora is that all Teleflora bouquets come professionally-arranged and hand delivered by a local florist. I was not at home at the time that the florist came by to deliver and they called me to make sure there was a good place to leave it. I love bringing fresh flowers into my home this time of year! You can check out all of the Christmas flowers and more at
Do you have fresh flowers in your house for Christmas?
Disclosure: I received the above product for review purposes only but all thoughts and opinions are my own.
The post Celebrate the Holidays with Teleflora and Charlie Brown! appeared first on Sippy Cup Mom.